Your Rodan & Fields Leaders Present

Tony Robbins "Kick Off 2024 STRONG" Workshop


Discover your next level with Tony Robbins’ top National Trainer, Stu Massengill. Tony’s elite group of National Trainers advise and consult with Fortune 500 companies, executives, managers and sales professionals in the areas of Peak Performance, leadership, organizational behavior, psychology of achievement and sales.

In This training you will:

  • Learn the three strategies to immediately start achieving amazing results in any area of your life.

  • Discover the success cycle and learn how to apply it to every situation.

  • Develop an unshakeable mindset that will give you a more fulfilling life.

  • Determine a clear target of what you want in every area of your life.

ABOUT Stu massengill

"I'm on a Mission To Help You Build The Life You Desire And Smash Any Limitations That Get In The way!"

Through his 10 years of speaking, coaching and training Stu has worked with over 2,000 different organizations... 

Stu proves that in business and life, most people know what they need to do, but then don't do what they know...and he teaches how to make the shift to execution and create endless momentum.


Discover your next level with Tony Robbins’ top National Trainer, Stu Massengill. Tony’s elite group of National Trainers advise and consult with Fortune 500 companies, executives, managers and sales professionals in the areas of Peak Performance, leadership, organizational behavior, psychology of achievement and sales.

In This training you will:

  • Learn the three strategies to immediately start achieving amazing results in any area of your life.

  • Discover the success cycle and learn how to apply it to every situation.

  • Develop an unshakeable mindset that will give you a more fulfilling life.

  • Determine a clear target of what you want in every area of your life.

ABOUT Stu massengill

"I'm on a Mission to To Help You Build The Life You Desire And Smash Any Limitations That Get In The way!"

Through his 10 years of speaking, coaching and training Stu has worked with over 2,000 different organizations... 

Stu proves that in business and life, most people know what they need to do, but then don't do what they know...and he teaches how to make the shift to execution and create endless momentum.

Here’s what everyone’s saying about Tony Robbins’ Peak Performance Workshop:

"I can't thank you enough for putting together the session with Stu. We did a similar workshop a few months ago and some people wondered if it was worth it to do it again. 1 hour and 30 minutes later we all had pages of notes, we were reevaluating our goals, we were reevaluating our belief systems, and we were pumped up to take on the rest of the year. This was exactly the shot in the arm that some of our people needed. The real estate market has changed, and some agents have had a hard time adapting. For those people, this was a game changer and their business, and their lives are going to do an immediate 180 simply by applying the principles Stu talked about. Thank you thank you thank you and thank you times a million."

Robert Hertel, Head of Recruiting & Agent Development, Century 21 Masters

“Man, did Stu deliver!

We were able to identify & break down limiting belief systems & my entire team walked away with tangible tools they could implement immediately to create massive shifts in their business and life. There were so many “aha” moments & layers peeled back that our routine team trainings could never uncover! I’m so thankful & look forward to more from Stu Massengill. He’s truly a mindset master!”

-Shanna, doTERRA Leader

"I wanted to let you know that you are one of the BEST speakers I have ever heard. Trust me I have heard a lot over my 35 year career. Great job!! I have seen Tony two years ago, and you are just as good as he is!! Keep up the great work."

-Gael, eXp Realtor

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